Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Bidens pilosa - Asteraceae or Anatsinahy

Bidens pilosa, or Anatsinahy in Malagasy.
In the highlands of Madagascar, we eat quite a lot of leaf vegetables. It is easy and cheap because it grows everywhere. This one is a strong medicinal plant that lots of generations have been using in my family. When you look it up on the Internet, it has so many names and so many usage so make sure you search for it with its scientific name to avoid confusion.
It is considered to be a weed, a nasty one since it can take over your whole land! But in Madagascar, we eat so much of it, you will be surprised that it is almost disappearing in my region. People love its tender young leaves so they pick it up too early. After few years, there aren't many left and they wonder why. It has to be left alone to spread more seeds to get more Bidens pilosa! I grow it in my garden these days because I particularly like it for tea, for salad, to stir fry quickly and to mix it with raw peanuts. It has a bitter taste but that is where the good stuff is! I recommend not to take that away.
I stumble upon this site to find out more about Bidens Pilosa, Anatsinahy.

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